competition n. 1.竞争。 2.比赛,竞赛。 3.【生物学】生存竞争。 a boxing competition拳击比赛。 competitionin arms 军备竞赛。 be [stand] in competition with (sb.) for 为…和(某人)竞争。 put (sb.) in [into] competition with ...使(某人)与(另一人)竞争。
fair n. 1.〔英国〕定期集市,庙会。 2.义卖市场。 3.商品展览会,展销会,商品交易会。 World's F- 万国博览会。 China's Export commodities F- 中国出口商品交易会。 a country fair 本乡物资交易会。 village fair 农村集市。 hold a fair to raise money 举办义卖筹款。 vanity fair 浮华市集,名利场。 a day after the fair = a day too late for the fair 过迟,太晚。 adj. 1.〔古诗〕美丽的;女性的。 2.(水等)清澈的,清洁的;(笔迹等)鲜明的;洁白的,干净的。 3.(头发)金色的 (opp. dark) (皮肤)白嫩的。 4.(风等)畅快的;爽朗的,(天气等)好的,顺畅的;(前途等)有希望的。 5.正当的;公平的,合理的,正派的 (opp. foul)。 6.平坦的,平滑的。 7.还可以的,相当的。 8.充足的,不少的。 9.嘴甜的,说着好听的。 10.按法律可以捕猎的;可以据理攻击的。 a fair lady 美妇人。 fair weather 好天气。 fair income 相当高的收入。 a fair crop 还不错的收成。 fair average quality 【商业】中等品。 one's fair name 清白的名声。 a fair month 整整一个月。 a fairone 美人。 a fair way 坦途。 fair words 花言巧语。 a fair field and no favour 公平无私,对双方都不偏袒。 be fair game for ridicule 活该成为嘲笑的对象。 be fair in one's dealing 处置公平。 be in a fair way to 有希望,很可能。 by fair means 秉公。 by fair means or foul 千方百计,不择手段。 fair and softly 态度好些;稳重一些。 fair and square 光明正大的,磊落坦率的;公正地,公道地。 fair to middling 〔口语〕中常的;过得去,还算好。 see fair play 公平裁判;公平对待,公平处理。 to be fair 说良心话。 write a fair hand 写一笔好字。 adv. 1.好,清楚,明白。 2.谦和,恳切。 3.正直;光明正大,公平;漂亮。 4.幸亏,好在;顺利,有望。 5.直,挺直地,朝正面,正。 6.十分。 deal fair with sb. 公平待人。 fall fair 直挺挺地倒下去。 play fair 光明正大地比赛,公开合理地处理(等)。 speak sb. fair 彬彬有礼地对人讲话。 strike sb. fair on the chin 不偏不歪地打在某人下巴上。 write out fair誊清。 bid fair to (do) 很有希望。 n. 1.〔古、诗〕佳人;爱人;美好的事物。 2.〔the fair 〕 女性。 3.〔古语〕幸运。 for fair 〔美口〕完全地,肯定的。 see fair 〔俚语〕= see fair play. through fair and foul (weather) 在任何情况下。 vt. 1.誊清。 2.使表面平顺;【船,空】把…作成流线型,减阻,整流。 vi. 〔英方〕(天气)好转。 fair ball 【棒球】正打球,线内球。
We will endeavour to promote fair competition 我们会致力促进公平竞争。
Promoting fair competition 促进公平竞争
Hon sin chung - kai raised a question on promoting fair competition among content providers 单仲偕议员就促进内容供应商公平竞争提出询质。
In addition , the government has a special responsibility for removing market restrictions and promoting fair competition 政府亦致力消除市场限制,以鼓励公平竞争。
In addition , the government has a special responsibility for removing market restrictions and promoting fair competition 政府另一重要责任,就是消除市场障碍,鼓励公平竞争。
The measures are : improving infrastructures and the overall investment environment , reducing the restrictions on foreign investments , and promoting fair competition , etc 其主要措施包括:完善基础设施、改善投资环境、放宽外资限制和执行公平竞争政策等。
Mar . 14th , chinanews : according to the official website of ministry of commerce , the executive of department of foreign trade of ministry of commerce expressed , because the rapid increase import of iron ore in recent period led to overstock in ports and great raise of enterprises ' stock , department of foreign trade took relevant measures to rule iron ore import standard and promote fair competition 负责人指出,今年初个别国外供应商一面参与长期协议谈判,一面又向中国市场高价出售现货,有悖于公认的国际定价规则,影响业已形成的双方长期合作机制,应中国钢铁企业的集体诉求,商务部外贸司采取了对现货贸易进口核查的临时性技术措施,针对的是高价炒作的不公平贸易行为,有利于维护公认的国际定价机制。
This not only helps further improve the legal system for tax collection and management , conscientiously strengthen the work of invoice management and give a better place to the functions of taxation supervision and control , but also helps maintain the market economic order , promote fair competition , and boost reform , opening up and the sustained , rapid and sound development of economic construction 这不仅有利于进一步健全税收征管法规体系,切实加强发票管理工作,更好地发挥税收的监控职能,而且有利于维护市场经济秩序,促进公平竞争,推进改革开放和经济建设持续、快速、健康地发展。